Scientific and technical documents
- Puertas
Cuesta FJ, Pin Arboledas G,Santa María Cano J, Durán Cantolla J, Grupo Español
de Sueño (GES)
Documento de Consenso Nacional sobre el
Síndrome de Apneas-Hipopneas del Sueño (SAHS)
Grupo Español de Sueño (GES)
Septiembre 2005
- Puertas
Cuesta FJ, Pin Arboledas G,Santa María Cano J, Durán Cantolla J, Grupo
Español de Sueño (GES)
Documento de Consenso Nacional
sobre el Síndrome de Apneas-Hipopneas del Sueño -Resumen Final- (SAHS)
Grupo Español de Sueño (GES)
Septiembre 2005
- Racioppi F, Eriksson L, Tingvall C, Villaveces A
Preventing road traffic injury: a public health perspective for Europe
Geneva: World Health Organization
- Richter ED, Barach P, Friedman L, Krikler S, Israeli A
Raised speed limits, speed spillover, case-fatality rates, and road deaths in Israel: A 5-year follow-up.
Am J Public Health
2004; 94(4): 568-574
- Ivara FP, Mack CD.
Motor vehicle crash deaths related to police pursuits in the United States.
R Inj Prev
2004; 10(2): 93-95
- Whitfield RA, Whitfield AK
Improving surveillance for injuries associated with potential motor vehicle safety defects
Inj Prev
2004; 10(2): 88-92
- White MP, Eiser JR, Harris PR
Risk perceptions of mobile phone use while driving.
Risk Anal
2004; 24(2): 323-334
- Ragland DR, Satariano WA, MacLeod KE
Reasons given by older people for limitation or avoidance of driving.
2004; 44(2): 237-244
- Coate D, Markowitz S
The effects of daylight and daylight saving time on US pedestrian fatalities and motor vehicle occupant fatalities.
Accid Anal Prev
2004; 36(3): 351-357.
- Zaloshnja E, Miller T, Romano E, Spicer R
Crash costs by body part injured, fracture involvement, and threat-to-life severity. United States, 2000.
Accid Anal Prev
2004; 36(3): 415-427
- Abdel-Aty M, Abdelwahab H
Modeling rear-end collisions including the role of driver's visibility and light truck vehicles using a nested logit structure.
Accid Anal Prev
2004; 36(3): 447-456
- Abdel-Aty M, Abdelwahab H
Analysis and prediction of traffic fatalities resulting from angle collisions including the effect of vehicles' configuration and compatibility.
Accid Anal Prev
2004; 36(3): 457-469
- Lapner PC, Nguyen D, Letts M
Mechanism of injury in the unrestrained child in a school bus collision.
J Pediatr Surg
2004; 39(4): 648-649.
- Rothenstein J, Howard A, Parkin P, Khambalia A, Macarthur C
Community pediatricians' counseling patterns and knowledge of recommendations relating to child restraint use in motor vehicles.
Inj Prev
2004; 10(2): 103-106
- Goldenbeld C, Twisk D, de Craen, S
Short and long term effects of moped rider training: a field experiment
Transp Res: F Traf Psychol Beh
2004, 7(1): 1-16.
- Ulleberg P.
Social influence from the back-seat: factors related to adolescent passengers' willingness to address unsafe drivers.
Transp Res: F Traf Psychol Beh
2004, 7(1): 17-30
- Jakobsson C
Accuracy of household planning of car use: comparing prospective to actual car logs.
Transp Res: F Traf Psychol Beh
2004, 7(1): 31-42
- Hebert Martinez KL, Porter BE
The likelihood of becoming a pedestrian fatality and drivers' knowledge of pedestrian rights and responsibilities in the Commonwealth of Virginia.
Transp Res: F Traf Psychol Beh
2004, 7(1): 43-58
- Lesch MF, Hancock PA
Driving performance during concurrent cell-phone use: are drivers aware of their performance decrements?
Accid Anal Prev
2004; 36(3): 471-480
- Adams BD, Medeiros R, Dereska P, Hawkins ML
Geriatric all-terrain vehicle trauma.
Am Surg
2004; 70(4): 329-332
- Edmonson BC, Wilson MW, Fleming JC, Haik BG
Ophthalmic injuries in children involved in all-terrain vehicle crashes.
Ophthal Plast Reconstr Surg
2004; 20(2): 99-102.
- ustalow CB, Gravitz CS
Emergency medical vehicle collisions and potential for preventive intervention.
Prehosp Emerg Care
2004; 8(2): 175-184.
- Richter ED, Barach P, Friedman L, Krikler S, Israeli A
Raised speed limits, speed spillover, case-fatality rates, and road deaths in Israel: a 5-year follow-up.
Am J Public Health
2004; 94(4): 568-574
- Shults RA, Elder RW, Sleet DA, Thompson RS, Nichols JL
Primary enforcement seat belt laws are effective even in the face of rising belt use rates.
Accid Anal Prev
2004; 36(3): 491-493
- Rueda-Domingo T, Lardelli-Claret P, Luna-del-Castillo Jde D et al
The influence of passengers on the risk of the driver causing a car collision in Spain. Analysis of collisions from 1990 to 1999.
Accid Anal Prev
2004; 36(3): 481-489
- Wells S, Mullin B, Norton R, Langley J, Connor J, Lay-Yee R, Jackson R
Motorcycle rider conspicuity and crash related injury: case-control study.
2004; 328(7444): 857-862.
- Connor J, Norton R, Ameratunga S, Jackson R
The contribution of alcohol to serious car crash injuries.
2004; 15(3): 337-344
- Gulbay BE, Acican T, Dogan R, Baccioglu A, Gullu E, Karadag G
The evaluation of excessive daytime sleepiness in taxi drivers.
Tuberk Toraks
2003; 51(4): 385-389
- Garder PE
The impact of speed and other variables on pedestrian safety in Maine.
Accid Anal Prev
2004; 36(4): 533-542
- Alleman A, Akande A, Bukacek M, Geib J, Simonson-Younger J
Prevention of head injuries in children bicyclists: a proposal.
J Okla State Med Assoc
2004; 97(4): 160-162.
- Broughton J
The actual threat posed by unrestrained rear seat car passengers.
Accid Anal Prev
2004; 36(4): 627-629.
- Berg HY, Gregersen NP, Laflamme L
Typical patterns in road-traffic accidents during driver training; An explorative Swedish national study.
Accid Anal Prev
2004; 36(4): 603-608.
- Laapotti S, Keskinen E
Has the difference in accident patterns between male and female drivers changed between 1984 and 2000?
Accid Anal Prev
2004; 36(4): 577-584
- Meyer SE, Forrest S, Herbst B, Hayden J, Orton T, Sances A Jr, Kumaresan S
Testing and injury potential analysis of rollovers with narrow object impacts.
Biomed Sci Instrum
2004; 40: 395-400.
- McGwin G Jr, Russell SR, Rux RL, Leath CA, Valent F, Rue LW.
Knowledge, beliefs, and practices concerning seat belt use during pregnancy.
J Trauma
2004; 56(3): 670-675.
- McGwin G Jr, Metzger J, Rue LW 3rd
The influence of side airbags on the risk of head and thoracic injury after motor vehicle collisions.
J Trauma
2004; 56(3):512-516.
- Cox D, Vincent DG, McGwin G, MacLennan PA, Holmes JD, Rue LW 3rd
Effect of restraint systems on maxillofacial injury in frontal motor vehicle collisions.
J Oral Maxillofac Surg
2004; 62(5): 571-575.
- Chapman HR, Curran AL
Bicycle helmets--does the dental profession have a role in promoting their use?
Br Dent J
2004; 196(9): 555-560.
- Tyrrell RA, Patton CW, Brooks JO
Educational interventions successfully reduce pedestrians' overestimates of their own nighttime visibility.
Hum Factors
2004; 46(1): 170-182
- Noland RB, Oh L
The effect of infrastructure and demographic change on traffic-related fatalities and crashes: a case study of Illinois county-level data.
Accid Anal Prev
2004; 36(4): 525-532
- Ruiz Ramos M, Ocana-Riola R, Hermosin Bono T
Changes in mortality associated with traffic accidents in Andalusia from 1975 to 2001 and forecast for 2004.
Aten Primaria
2004; 33(6): 297-302.
- Liu B, Ivers R, Norton R, Blows S, Lo S
Helmets for preventing injury in motorcycle riders.
Cochrane Database Syst Rev
2004; 2: CD004333.
- Masa Jiménez, J;Rubio González, M;Findley, L;Riesco Miranda, J;Sojo González,
A;Disdier Vicente, C
Los conductores somnolientos tienen alta frecuencia de accidentes de tráfico asociados a exceso de RERA
Archivos de Bronconeumología
2003, 39 (4): 153-158
- Montoro González, L;Mirabet Lis, E
El modelo español de reconocimiento médico y psicotécnico en el contexto de la 2ª directiva (91/439/CEE). Resultados al ser aplicado sobre un grupo especéfico de conductores (45 a 70 años)
Revista Española de Salud Pública
2003, 77 (1): 151-160.
- Peiró, R;López, F;Marrodín, J;Fernández, C;Ramírez, C
Actividades intersectoriales en la prevención de accidentes de tráfico
Gaceta Sanitaria
2003, 17 (4): 332-334
- Plaséncia, A;Cirera, E
Accidentes de tráfico: un problema de salud a la espera de una respuesta sanitaria
Medicina Clónica
2003, 120 (10): 378-379
- Regidor, E;Reoyo, A;Calle, ME;Domínguez, V
Fracaso en el control del número de víctimas por accidentes de tráfico en España. ¿La respuesta correcta a la pregunta equivocada?
Revista Española de Salud Pública
2002, 76 (2): 105-113.
- Casanó Martínez, C;Morales Suárez-Varela, M
Accidentes de tráfico en la infancia. Resultados del Hospital La Fe
Revista Española de Pediatría
2002, 58 (344): 104-110.
- Gomar Guarner, F
Etiología de las lesiones de los accidentados de tráfico en la carretera y problemas fisiopatológicos de su primera asistencia.
Revista de Ortopedia y Traumatología
2002, 46 (6): 490-497.
- del Rio, MC
Alcohol, jóvenes y accidentes de tráfico
Trastornos Adictivos
2002, 4 (1): 20-27
- Díaz, J;Guallar, J;Arnedo, A;Oliva, S;Gala, J
Prevalencia del síndrome de apnea-hipopnea del sueño en conductores profesionales de largo recorrido
Archivos de Bronconeumología
2001, 37 (11): 471-476
- Seppi, K
Tratamiento y evaluación de los conductores que conducen bajo el efecto del alcohol en Finlandia
Trastornos Adictivos
2001, 3 (4): 280-284
- Álvarez, FJ;C del Río, M
Alcohol y accidentes de tráfico: ¿Prevenir qué?
Trastornos Adictivos
2001, 3 (3): 172-180
- Monteagudo, MJ; Chisvert, M; Ballestar, ML.
Estudio y análisis de la accidentalidad del grupo de ancianos en tráfico: factores y variables.
Revista Multidisciplinar de Gerontología
2001, 11 (2): 59-63.
- Soleto Martín, J;Navascuñs del Río, JA;García-Trevijano Forte, JL;Vázquez
Estévez, J
Atención temprana a los accidentes de tráfico
2001, 21 (7): 237-244
- López, J;Serrano, P;Duque, B;Artiles, J
Los costes socioeconómicos de los accidentes de tráfico en las Islas Canarias en 1997
Gaceta Sanitaria
2001, 15 (5): 414-422
- Carmona, C;Capote, F;Botebol, G;García, P;Sánchez l, A;Castillo, J
Evaluación de la somnolencia diurna excesiva en conductores profesionales con sospecha de síndrome de apnea obstructiva durante el sueño
Archivos de Bronconeumología
2000, 36 (8): 436-440.
- Pertejo Pastor, E;García Lorente, P
Papel del Oftalmólogo en la prevención de los accidentes de tráfico
Archivos de la Sociedad Española de Oftalmología
2000, 75 (6): 369
- Aracil, C;Bayo, A;Jover, JL;Blanes, D;Serralta, V;Rapa, ML
Evolución de los accidentes de tráfico en el Área de Salud de Alcoy en 1991 y 1994
2000, 26 (7): 341-345.
- Álvarez, FJ;Río, MC del
Alcohol y accidentes de tráfico: ¿Hemos progresado en estos últimos 25 años?
Revista Española de Drogodependencias
2000, 25 (4): 377-384
- Orengo Garcia, F; Aburtos Baselga, M; Hormaechea Beldarrain, JA.
Valoración psiquiátrico legal de 20 personas implicadas en un accidente de tráfico con manifestaciones de estrés postraumático utilizando el cuestionario
MMPI-2 y las Escalas CAPS-DX.
2002, 4 (1): 20-27
- Redondo Calderón, JL;Luna del Castillo, JD;Jiménez Moleón, JJ;Lardelli Claret,
P;Gálvez Vargas, R
Evolución de la mortalidad por accidentes de tráfico en España, 1962-1994
Gaceta Sanitaria
2000, 14 (1): 7-15
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Work-Related Roadway Crashes --- United States, 1992--2002.
MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep
2004; 53(12): 260-264.
- Roberts I, Abbasi K
War on the roads: two years on.
2004; 328(7444): 845.
- Pless IB
Road traffic injury prevention.
2004; 328(7444): 845.
- Hameed SM, Popkin CA, Cohn SM, Johnson EW; The Miami Pediatric Traffic Injury
Task Force
The epidemic of pediatric pedestrian traffic injuries in South Florida: a review of the problem and initial results of a prospective surveillance strategy.
Am J Public Health
2004; 94(4): 554-556
- Peden M, Scurfield R, Sleet D, Mohan D, Hyder AA, Jarawan E, Mathers C
World report on road traffic injury prevention.
Geneva: World Health Organization,
- Hartling L, Wiebe N, Russell K, Petruk J, Spinola C, Klassen T
Graduated driver licensing for reducing motor vehicle crashes among young drivers.
Cochrane Database Syst Rev
2004; 2: CD003300.
- Belz SM, Robinson GS, Casali JG
Temporal separation and self-rating of alertness as indicators of driver fatigue in commercial motor vehicle operators.
Hum Factors
2004; 46(1): 154-169.
- Doane SM, Sohn YW, Jodlowski MT
Pilot ability to anticipate the consequences of flight actions as a function of expertise.
Hum Factors
2004; 46(1): 92-103.
- Loste Ramos, AF;Herrera Rodríguez, A
Estudio epidemiológico de los accidentes de tráfico con lesionados ingresados en el Hospital Miguel Servet de Zaragoza
Revista de Ortopedia y Traumatología
1999, 43 (1): 2-8.
- Saiz Sánchez, C;Bautista Rentero, D;Corella Piquer, D;Cortina Birlanga,
S;González Arráez, JI
Análisis edad-periodo-cohorte de la mortalidad por accidentes de tráfico en España
Salud Pública de México
1999, 41 (3): 170-176.
- Gómez, A;Aledo, MM;Gómez, P;Rodríguez, E
Estudio descriptivo de los accidentes de tráfico ocurridos durante dos años atendidos en un servicio de urgencia extrahospitalario
Atención Primaria
1999, 23 (3): 178-179.
- Meroño , EA;Núñez, V;Mauri , F;Ivorra, F;Díez, M;Medrano, J
Lesiones del tracto digestivo por accidentes de tráfico y su relación con el cinturón de seguridad
Rev Sociedad Valenciana de Patología Digestiva
1999, 18 (4): 155-158.
- Álvarez, FJ;Río, MC del
Alcohol y accidentes de tráfico: el papel de los médicos en su prevención
Medicina Clínica
1999, 113 (7): 256-258.
- Plaséncia, A
Bases epidemiológicas para las polÍticas de prevención de los accidentes de tráfico relacionados con el alcohol en España
1999, 11 (3): 229-236
- Rodríguez Martos, A
Confluencias de estrategias en la prevención de accidentes de tráfico relacionados con el alcohol
1999, 11 (2): 91-106.
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Road traffic injuries--a neglected pandemic.
Bull World Health Organ
2003; 81(9): 684-5
- Gurses D, Sarioglu-Buke A, Baskan M, Kilic I
Cost factors in pediatric trauma.
Can J Surg
2003 ; 46(6): 441-5
- Yavuz MS, Asirdizer M, Cetin G, Gunay Balci Y, Altinkok M
The correlation between skull fractures and intracranial lesions due to traffic accidents.
Am J Forensic Med Pathol
2003; 24(4): 339-45
- Sleet DA, Schieber RA, Gilchrist J
Health promotion policy and politics: lessons from childhood injury prevention.
Health Promot Pract
2003; 4(2): 103-8
- Muller A
Florida's Motorcycle Helmet Law Repeal and Fatality Rates.
Am J Public Health
2004; 94(4): 556-558.
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Work-Related Roadway Crashes --- United States, 1992--2002.
MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep
2004; 53(12): 260-264
- Pless IB
Road traffic injury prevention.
2004; 328(7444): 846.
- Connor J, Norton R, Ameratunga S, Jackson R.
The contribution of alcohol to serious car crash injuries.
2004; 15(3): 337-344.
- Gulbay BE, Acican T, Dogan R, Baccioglu A, Gullu E, Karadag G.
The evaluation of excessive daytime sleepiness in taxi drivers.
Tuberk Toraks
2003; 51(4): 385-389.
- Broughton J.
The actual threat posed by unrestrained rear seat car passengers.
Accid Anal Prev
2004; 36(4): 627-629.
- Berg HY, Gregersen NP, Laflamme L.
Typical patterns in road-traffic accidents during driver training; An explorative Swedish national study.
Accid Anal Prev
2004; 36(4): 603-608.
- Laapotti S, Keskinen E.
Has the difference in accident patterns between male and female drivers changed between 1984 and 2000?
Accid Anal Prev
2004; 36(4): 577-584.
- Meyer SE, Forrest S, Herbst B, Hayden J, Orton T, Sances A Jr, Kumaresan S.
Testing and injury potential analysis of rollovers with narrow object impacts.
Biomed Sci Instrum
2004; 40: 395-400.
- McGwin G Jr, Russell SR, Rux RL, Leath CA, Valent F, Rue LW.
Knowledge, beliefs, and practices concerning seat belt use during pregnancy.
J Trauma
2004; 56(3): 670-675.
- McGwin G Jr, Metzger J, Rue LW 3rd.
The influence of side airbags on the risk of head and thoracic injury after motor vehicle collisions.
J Trauma
2004; 56(3):512-516.
- Cox D, Vincent DG, McGwin G, MacLennan PA, Holmes JD, Rue LW 3rd.
Effect of restraint systems on maxillofacial injury in frontal motor vehicle collisions.
J Oral Maxillofac Surg
2004; 62(5): 571-575.
- Mann RE, Smart RG, Stoduto G, Adlaf EM, Ialomiteanu A.
Alcohol consumption and problems among road rage victims and perpetrators.
J Stud Alcohol
2004; 65(2): 161-168.
- Road traffic deaths and injuries in India: time for action.
Mohan D. Natl Med J India
2004; 17(2): 63-66.
- Dandona R, Mishra A.
Deaths due to road traffic crashed in Hyderabad city in India: need for strengthening surveillance.
Natl Med J India
2004; 17(2): 74-79.
- McGwin G Jr, Russell SR, Rux RL, Leath CA, Valent F, Rue LW.
Knowledge, beliefs, and practices concerning seat belt use during pregnancy.
J Trauma
2004; 56(3): 670-675.
- Bianchi A, Summala H.
The 'genetics' of driving behavior: parents' driving style predicts their children's driving style.
Accid Anal Prev
2004; 36(4): 655-659.
- Lord D, Persaud BN.
Estimating the safety performance of urban road transportation networks.
Accid Anal Prev
2004; 36(4): 609-620.
- Majumdar A, Noland RB, Ochieng WY.
A spatial and temporal analysis of safety-belt usage and safety-belt laws.
Accid Anal Prev
2004; 36(4): 551-560.
- Katila A, Keskinen E, Hatakka M, Laapotti S.
Does increased confidence among novice drivers imply a decrease in safety?; The effects of skid training on slippery road accidents.
Accid Anal Prev
2004; 36(4): 543-550.
- Tyrrell RA, Patton CW, Brooks JO.
Educational interventions successfully reduce pedestrians' overestimates of their own nighttime visibility.
Hum Factors
2004; 46(1): 170-182.
- Noland RB, Oh L.
The effect of infrastructure and demographic change on traffic-related fatalities and crashes: a case study of Illinois county-level data.
Accid Anal Prev
2004; 36(4): 525-532.
- Ruiz Ramos M, Ocana-Riola R, Hermosin Bono T.
Changes in mortality associated with traffic accidents in Andalusia from 1975 to 2001 and forecast for 2004.
Aten Primaria
2004; 33(6): 297-302.
- Liu B, Ivers R, Norton R, Blows S, Lo S.
Helmets for preventing injury in motorcycle riders.
Cochrane Database Syst Rev
2004; 2: CD004333.
- Hartling L, Wiebe N, Russell K, Petruk J, Spinola C, Klassen T.
Graduated driver licensing for reducing motor vehicle crashes among young drivers.
Cochrane Database Syst Rev
2004; 2: CD003300.
- Belz SM, Robinson GS, Casali JG.
Temporal separation and self-rating of alertness as indicators of driver fatigue in commercial motor vehicle operators.
Hum Factors
2004; 46(1): 154-169.
- Doane SM, Sohn YW, Jodlowski MT.
Pilot ability to anticipate the consequences of flight actions as a function of expertise.
Hum Factors
2004; 46(1): 92-103.
- Morrow PC, Crum MR.
Antecedents of fatigue, close calls, and crashes among commercial motor-vehicle drivers.
J Safety Res
2004; 35(1): 59-69.
- Connor SM, Wesolowski K.
Newspaper framing of fatal motor vehicle crashes in four Midwestern cities in the United States, 1999-2000.
Inj Prev
2004; 10(3): 149-153.
- McGwin G Jr, Metzger J, Rue LW 3rd.
The influence of side airbags on the risk of head and thoracic injury after motor vehicle collisions.
J Trauma
2004; 56(3): 512-516.
- Peleg K, Aharonson-Daniel L.
Road traffic accidents--severe injuries. Decision-making on the basis of partial data.
2004; 143(2): 111-115, 167, 166.
- Boase P, Jonah BA, Dawson N.
Occupant restraint use in Canada.
J Safety Res
2004; 35(2): 223-229.
- O'Malley PM, Wagenaar AC.
Effects of safety belt laws on safety belt use by American high school seniors,
J Safety Res
2004; 35(1): 125-130.
- Hjalmdahl M, Varhelyi A.
Speed regulation by in-car active accelerator pedal.
Transp Res: F Traf Psychol Beh
2004; 7(2): 77-94.
- Siren A, Hakamies-Blomqvist L.
Private car as the grand equaliser? Demographic factors and mobility in Finnish men and women aged 65+.
Transp Res: F Traf Psychol Beh
2004; 7(2): 107-118.
- Ross T, May AJ, Grimsley PJ.
Using traffic light information as navigational cues: implications for navigation system design.
Transp Res: F Traf Psychol Beh
2004; 7(2): 107-118.
- Boyle LN, Mannering F.
Impact of traveler advisory systems on driving speed: some new evidence.
Transp Res: C Emerging Technol
2004; 12(1): 57-72.
- Vega RS, Adams VI.
Suffocation in motor vehicle crashes.
Am J Forensic Med Pathol
2004; 25(2): 101-107.
- Grabowski DC, Campbell CM, Morrisey MA.
Elderly licensure laws and motor vehicle fatalities.
2004; 291(23): 2840-2846.
- Hedlund J, Preusser DF, Shults RA.
A research agenda for increasing safety belt use in the United States.
J Safety Res
2004; 35(2): 231-235.
- Salzberg PM, Moffat JM.
Ninety five percent: An evaluation of law, policy, and programs to promote seat belt use in Washington state.
J Safety Res
2004; 35(2): 215-220.
- Zhang SN, Lu W, Zhou SF, Chen SM, Yang BJ, Li Q, Lu JG, Wu JP, Bao Q, Song GX, Yuan D, Li YH, Zhou F
Epidemiological study on traffic accident in Shanghai from 2000 to 2002.
Zhonghua Liu Xing Bing Xue Za Zhi
2004; 25(3): 199-203.
- Bledsoe GH.
Arkansas and the motorcyle helmet law.
J Ark Med Soc
2004; 100(12): 430-433.
- McCarthy DM, Brown SA.
Changes in Alcohol Involvement, Cognitions and Drinking and Driving Behavior for Youth after They Obtain a Driver's License.
J Stud Alcohol
2004; 65(3): 297-300.
- Grabowski DC, Campbell CM, Morrisey MA.
Elderly licensure laws and motor vehicle fatalities.
2004; 291(23): 2840-2846.
- Agran PF, Anderson CL, Winn DG.
Violators of a child passenger safety law.
2004; 114(1): 109-115.
- McCartt AT, Northrup VS, Retting RA.
Types and characteristics of ramp-related motor vehicle crashes on urban interstate roadways in Northern Virginia.
J Safety Res
2004; 35(1): 107-114.
- McCartt AT, Northrup VS.
Factors related to seat belt use among fatally injured teenage drivers.
J Safety Res
2004; 35(1): 29-38.
- Tham KY, Seow E, Lau G.
Pattern of injuries in helmeted motorcyclists in Singapore.
Emerg Med J
2004; 21(4): 478-482.
- Stallard P, Salter E, Velleman R.
Posttraumatic stress disorder following road traffic accidents: a second prospective study.
Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry
2004; 13(3): 172-178.
- Prasad P, Laituri TR, Sullivan K.
Estimation of AIS3+ thoracic injury risks of belted drivers in NASS frontal crashes.
Proc Inst Mech Eng.Pt D: J Automobile Eng
2004; 218(d): 591-609.
- Nave ME, Veltri A.
Effect of loss control service on reported injury incidence.
J Safety Res
2004; 35(1): 39-46.
- Hedlund J, Compton R.
Graduated driver licensing research in 2003 and beyond.
J Safety Res
2004; 35(1): 5-11.
- Howard A, Rothman L, McKeag AM, Pazmino-Canizares J, Monk B, Comeau JL, Mills D, Blazeski S, Hale I, German A.
Children in side-impact motor vehicle crashes: seating positions and injury mechanisms.
J Trauma
2004; 56(6): 1276-1285.
- Singleton M, Qin H, Luan J.
Factors associated with higher levels of injury severity in occupants of motor vehicles that were severely damaged in traffic crashes in Kentucky, 2000-2001.
Traffic Inj Prev
2004; 5(2): 144-150.
- Chaudhary NK, Northrup VS.
Predictive models of safety belt use: a regression analysis of MVOSS data.
Traffic Inj Prev
2004; 5(2): 137-143.
- Masten SV, Chapman EA.
The effectiveness of home-study driver education compared to classroom instruction: the impact on student knowledge and attitudes.
Traffic Inj Prev
2004; 5(2): 117-121.
- Ozanne-Smith J.
Road traffic injury--a global public health scourge: a review for World Health Day 2004 (April 7).
Aust N Z J Public Health
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Recommended bibliography
- PATOLOGÍA MÉDICA Y CONDUCCIÓN DE VEHÍCULOS Drs.:Marta Ozcoidi Val, Elena Valdés Rodríguez, María Luz Simón González, Juan Carlos González Luque
- BARSS, P. Injury Prevention : An International Perspective Epidemiology, Surveillance, and Policy. New York: Oxford University Press; 1998. - Christoffel. Injury Prevention and Public Health: Practical Knowledge, Skills and Strategies. Aspen Publishers; 1999.
- Robertson L. Injury Epidemiology. New York: Oxford University Press; 1992. - Backer S, O'Neill B, Ginsburg MJ, Li G. The Injury Fact Book. New York: Oxford University Press; 1992.
- National Committee for Injury Prevention and Control. Injury Prevention: Meeting the Challenge. New York: Oxford University Press; 1989. - Rivara FP, Cummings P, Koepsell TD, Grossman DC, Maier RV. Injury Control. A guide to Research and Program Evaluation. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2001.
- Evans L. Traffic safety and the driver. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold; 1991.
- Álvarez FJ (Ed). Seguridad Vial y Medicina de Tráfico. Barcelona: Masson; 1997.
- Montoro L, Alonso F, Esteban C, Toledo F. Manual de Seguridad vial: el factor humano. Barcelona: Ariel; 2000.
- Álvarez FJ, Del Rio MC, González Luque JC. Guía de prescripción farmacológica y Seguridad Vial. Madrid: Dirección General de Tráfico; 2001.
- De Gier H. Survey on warning systems for medicinal drugs affecting driving performance. Maastricht: Institute for Human Psychopharmacology; 1998.
- European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction. Literature review on the relation between drug use, impaired driving and traffic accidents (CT.97.EP.14). Lisbon: EMCDDA; 1998.
- Mura P (Ed). Alcohol, medicaments, stupefiants et cinduite automobile. Paris: Elsevier; 1999.
- Varios Autores. Proceeding of the 15th International Conference on Alcohol, Drugs and Traffic Safety. H Laurell and F Schylter (Eds). Stockholm: Ekonomi Print; 2000. T2002 Montreal, Quebec, Canada August 5, 2002 . (En prensa). En los distintos congresos de la ICADTS se han ido publicando las actas con las ponencias y trabajos allí presentados.
- Flórez JA. Conductores ancianos, demencia senil y accidentes de tráfico. Barcelona: JR Prous, S.A.; 1997.
- Varios Autores. Apneas de sueño y accidentes de tráfico. Somnolencia y seguridad vial. Madrid: Dirección General de Tráfico; 2003.
- Jiménez Roldan S, González Luque JC. Neurología y conducción de vehículos. Madrid: Dirección General de Tráfico; 2001.
- González Luque JC., Valdés Rodríguez E. Manual de aspectos médicos relacionados con la capacidad de conducción de vehículos. Madrid: Dirección General de Tráfico; 2004.
- Dirección General de Tráfico. Patología Médica y Conducción de vehículos. Guía para el consejo médico. Madrid: Dirección General de Tráfico; 2002.
- Dirección General de Tráfico. Guía de Prescripción Farmacológica y Seguridad Vial. 2º Ed. Madrid: DGT 2003.
- Dirección General de Tráfico. Apneas de sueño y accidentes de tráfico. Somnolencia y seguridad vial. Madrid: Dirección General de Tráfico; 2003.
- Varios Autores. Medicina y Seguridad Vial. Madrid: DGT; 1997-2003. Actas correspondientes a los Cursos de Verano de la Universidad de Cantabria que se celebran en Laredo.
- Schimt, Niederer Walz. Trauma biomechanics. Introduction to accidental injury.
Recommended Magazines
- Accident Analysis and Prevention. Elsevier Science.
- Journal of Traffic Medicine. International Traffic Medicine Association.
- Journal of Safety Research. Pergamon. Elsevier.
- Journal of Studies on Alcohol. Center of Alcohol Studies. Rutgers.
- Journal of Trauma. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
- Injury Prevention. BMJ Publishing Group.
- Traffic Injury Prevention. Taylor & Francis.
- Ergonomics. Taylor & Francis.